Tina Browne MP

Who We Are

Experience Integrity and Steadfast Leadership Like Never Before


Welcome to the heart of the Cook Islands Democratic Party, where the power of change rests with a dynamic and resilient leader, Tina Browne.

Steering the party’s helm and representing the parliamentary opposition, Tina Browne is not just a figurehead but a symbol of strength, determination, and progressive change. Her leadership, characterized by grit and grace, has transformed the Cook Islands Democratic Party into a vibrant force that echoes the voice of every Cook Islander.

Tina Browne

Democratic Party Leader

Our Esteemed Leader

Tina’s journey is one of audacity and aspiration. Her humble beginnings on the beautiful islands have grounded her political vision in authenticity and empathy. A formidable professional lawyer, Tina is the first woman to lead a political party in the Cook Islands. This milestone in her career is not merely personal but a victory for all women and a testament to her commitment to equal opportunity.

With an unflinching resolve to uphold democratic values, Tina strongly advocates for transparent governance and socio-economic development. She is a torchbearer of positive change, radiating energy that has invigorated the party and stirred the nation’s consciousness.

Our Core Values

Under Tina’s leadership, we in the Cook Islands Democratic Party continue to prioritize the following:


Ensuring open and accountable governance that strengthens the public's trust in political processes.

Socio-Economic Development

Paving the path for robust economic growth that is both sustainable and inclusive.

Equal Opportunity

Advocating for fair representation and equality in all spheres of life, reflecting the diverse tapestry of the Cook Islands.

Preservation of Culture and Environment

Championing initiatives that protect and enrich our unique cultural heritage and pristine natural environment


With Tina at the helm, the Cook Islands Democratic Party is not just a political organization but a collective dream for a more inclusive, prosperous, and democratic future. We continue to make waves in the vast Pacific, one policy at a time.

Join us as we sail on this exciting journey. Under the clear skies of our beautiful islands, let’s write a new chapter in our nation’s history together. With Tina leading the charge, we’re ready for any challenge the tide brings.
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